Megrendítő hírként tudatjuk, hogy 2008. március 29-én, 64. életévében elveszítettünk egy igaz barátot és lelkes természetfotóst, az amerikai Tom Tormát.
Szavakba se tudjuk foglalni mély fájdalmunkat és sajnálatunkat Tom elvesztéséért, hiszen tavaly nyáron Magyarországon még együtt fotóztuk vele a jégmadarakat.
A mi szívünkben Tom örökké élni fog és örízzük mosolyát, kedvességét, amit a magyar emberek és természetfotós egyesületünk iránt is mutatott.
Unfortunately we have a bad news to announce that on the 29th of March in 2008 we lost the 64 year old, nature photographer, american true friend of ours, Tom Torma.
We cannot put our deep pain in words of the loss of Tom, hence last summer in Hungary he was with us taking photos of kingfishers.
In our heart Tom will live forever with his smile and kindness which he has shown towards the hungarian people and photographer's's association.
I have always enjoyed nature and the outdoors. As a boy I often explored the woods near my home, looking for frogs and salamanders. Hiking and camping was always a favorite pastime. These activities led me to nature study and birdwatching. As I observed the nature around me, I found myself wishing I could share all the wondrous things I was seeing with friends and family. Since my grandfather had owned a camera store in Manhattan, and my father was a photographer and a film editor, it was only natural that I turn to photography.
As I continued to birdwatch, and observe the natural world I cannot help but observe some disturbing problems with our environment. From these experiences my photographic philosophy took shape. I photograph the beauty of the natural world hoping to increase the appreciation of nature. But, I also photograph an environment that is increasingly disturbed by man, to increase concern for our planet.
Because of these experiences I became active in the environmental movement. Among the organizations I have held memberships in include the Sierra Club, Nature Conservancy, The Ocean Conservancy, The World Wildlife Fund, The National Wildlife Federation and the Center For Coastal Studies. I was also active with the South Shore Audubon Society. Twice I was President of the chapter. I also served as Conservation, and Fund Raising Chairman. I currently work at the Theodore Roosevelt Nature Center At Jones Beach as an Environmental Educator and an Endangered Species Steward. I created and maintain the website for the Friends of Hempstead Plains.
I studied at Kansas State Teachers College, and Nassau Community College for photography, computer design, and photoshop. I also attended National Audubon Society Naturalist Camp in Greenwich, Connecticut. I have traveled to all fifty states, Europe, and Asia. I will soon be traveling to South America with Hofstra University.
My experiences have led me to create power point programs for presentations to clubs and other organizations. These programs include: Birds of Long Island, and Barrier Islands, Ribbons of Sand. To book these programs please e-mail me.
I enjoy photographing all types of nature including insects, mammals, flowers, mushrooms, and especially birds. While I have used large, medium, pin hole and 35mm formats. I presently use a Nikon D100 camera. My lenses include a 20mm. 105, and 200 macro lenses, a 500mm F4.